
Hit the target 🎯 ... and miss the point !

Post date :

Nov 2, 2023

Are you proudly wielding a fancy measurement model like:

- SMART (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-related)

- SMARTER (SMART, Evaluated, Reviewed)

- SMARTTA (SMART, Trackable, Agreed)

- SMARRT (SMAT, Realistic, Relevance)

- CLEAR (Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, Refinable)

- PURE (Positively stated, Understood, Relevant, Ethical)

- CPQQRT (Context, Purpose, Quantity, Quality, Resources, Timing)

- WTF (Just kidding)?

While these principles offer structure and guidance, here's the sobering truth: Why is your strategy's performance measurement still falling short?

The litmus test lies in answering the paramount question: WHY are we measuring in the first place? 🤔

There's only one right answer: Your metrics should be powerful tools for informed strategic decision-making. Whether they're SMART, PURE, or CLEAR, they're utterly futile if they don't empower executive teams to make more impactful and timely strategic decisions.

So, it's time to shift your obsession. Rather than fixating on these models, become obsessed with the strategic decision-making process itself. 🚀

Let's elevate your strategy to new heights!

#StrategyAccelerator #StrategyExecution #Reframe

Author: Anael Granoux